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los angeles 洛杉磯〔美國城市〕。


( over pa ) final call for flight 701 to los angeles 701班機到洛杉磯的旅客請登機了

So you won ' t be traveling with us to los angeles then 這么說你不打算去洛杉磯了?

Flagstaff - sedona - phoenix - los angeles 旗桿鎮史都那sedona鳳凰城洛杉磯

He lives in los angeles and works at a magazine 他現在在洛杉磯的一家雜志社工作。

They just issued a tornado warning in los angeles 他們剛剛在洛杉磯發布了颶風警報

Well , then i ' d say the 10 : 1 5 flight to los angeles 好吧我想10 : 15分去洛杉磯的航班

My older brother lives and works in los angeles 我的哥哥工作、生活在落杉磯。

University of california at los angeles , ucla 中國科學院陳可冀院士應洛杉磯加州大學

How much is the airfare from new york to los angeles 從紐約去洛杉磯的機票多少錢

They are the los angeles lakers ' star players 他們是洛杉磯湖人隊的明星球員。

So many beautiful people who live in los angeles .有那么多漂亮的人住在洛杉磯嗎?

Last year , the los angeles times gave it a go 去年《洛杉磯時報》嘗試了一把。

When will the next flight to los angeles leave 下一班飛往洛杉機的班機何時起飛

You mean i will have to change at los angeles 乘客:也就是說我需要在洛杉磯轉機?

Los angeles world airports releases request for proposals fo 新年伊始,為優質服務

Fbi agent briefed him: “we'll have our men spotted throughout the los angeles area. “ 聯邦調查局的偵探指點他:“我們會派人分布在整個洛杉機地區。”